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CR 12/2021 Dividend Information

Dividend Information
Current report no: 12/2021

Date: 25.05.2021

Time: 1:55 p.m.

The Management Board of LPP SA with its registered office in Gdańsk informs that, on 25 May 2021, it decided to provide the Supervisory Board of LPP SA and the Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders with a motion on:

(i)  coverage of a loss for the financial year 1.02.2020 – 31.01.2021 from profits generated in subsequent years and

(ii) payment of a dividend of PLN 450 per share by way of transferring funds from the supplementary capital created from profits generated in preceding years.

The Management Board recommended that the dividend date (i.e. the date as at which the list of shareholders eligible for the dividend is determined) should be set for 6 July 2021 and that the dividend should be paid in two equal instalments (of the value of PLN 225 per share): the first instalment to be paid on 20 July 2021 and the second one on 6 October 2021.

The above-mentioned motion of 25 May 20201 was approved by the Supervisory Board of LPP SA and, in accordance with § 33(3) of the Articles of Association and Article 382 § 3 of the Commercial Companies Code, it shall be provided to the Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders for approval.

The number of shares giving the dividend right is 1,852,423.