We are already working on solutions in the spirit of the circular economy that will allow us to turn textile waste into resources in the future. For us, circularity is more than just a second life cycle for a garment.

We are committed to finding a solution that would allow us to treat used garments not as waste, but as a resource that is reused in garment production – whether multi-material or single-material fabrics. Our goal is to keep raw materials in circulation and thus reduce textile waste and minimise the environmental footprint of a garment once produced.

We are working on innovative technologies to produce yarn from textile waste. Together with Use Waste, a Polish start-up, we seek to develop a scientific method for a scalable recycling of used polyester fabrics based on the idea of making clothes from clothes. This is our next step towards circular fashion and reducing textile waste.

We carried out a project with the Sustainable Fashion Institute (SFI) – a Polish platform that supports brands in building a sustainable future for the fashion industry. As part of a pilot project, SFI assisted us in our search for an effective method to recycle multi-grade materials, allowing them to be reused as full-value materials suitable for clothing production.
Reducing textile waste

The European Environment Agency indicates that in the European Union alone around 5.8m tonnes of clothing are discarded each year. Only 1% of used clothing is recycled with a view to producing new textiles.
To counteract this, we ensure that our production levels are matched to the supply generated by our customers. This is achieved with the use of cutting-edge technology developed by our team of IT experts who, using data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence, are able to forecast the level of demand for our collections.

This, in turn, allows us to reduce the amount of clothing ordered from our suppliers and minimise the share of unsold collections.
The garments that fail to attract buyers in our stores are sold to external partners for resale in markets where we do not trade.

We also donate a large part of the clothes to people in need in the form of in-kind donations. Find out more about our charitable activities on the LPP Foundation website.
Clothing collection

The linear model of clothing use, based on the short life cycle of clothes, most of which eventually end up in landfill, is one of the ills of modern times. To this end and for several years now, we have been consistently working to extend the life of textiles.
Since 2018, we have been collecting second hand clothing of any brand, which we donate to people in need. In 2022, we already extended the used clothing collection programme to all our stores in Poland, and in 2024 we are extending the programme to more countries where we sell our collections.
Find out where you can deliver your second hand clothing.
"Dbaj o ubranie" campaign

The fact is that each of us can help to reduce the world's carbon footprint. One of the easiest ways to do so is to extend the life of the clothes we already have. To support our customers in taking care of their clothes, we have launched a dedicated website. The website is a tool for promoting the conscious and responsible use of clothes so that they last as long as possible whilst reducing their environmental impact.
It is our response to today's climate challenges and to the need to shift from a linear model of using clothes, based on the short life of clothing items, to a circular model that is focused on extending the life of clothes. By engaging in dialogue with consumers, we seek to make our customers more environmentally aware and sensitive while drawing their attention to the importance of changing consumer habits when it comes to fashion.

The first edition of our campaign was dedicated to proper care of clothing – which is not only about washing, but also about drying, ironing and storing. By taking proper care of our clothes, we can not only keep them for longer, but also save money and the environment. A conscious approach to clothing care translates into reduced energy and water consumption, along with reduced amounts of plastic and chemicals ending up in the ecosystem.
On the campaign website, we have launched an emissions calculator to quickly and easily calculate the carbon footprint of washing, drying and ironing clothes. This tool offers guidance on what changes to introduce in order to consume less water and energy.

Fashion does not have to fade away. Our dialogue with customers is intended to show them that the clothes we wear on a daily basis, sometimes during very important moments in our lives, can serve as a vessel for our memories – a vehicle that is worth preserving and a snippet of our timeless stories. We tend to think about clothes in terms of their functionality, as well as fashion and trends.
But, in fact, they stand for something far more valuable: they are part and parcel of the story we write for ourselves and our loved ones throughout our lives. That is why we want to encourage people to look at clothes in a way that preserves the emotions and memories that come with them for as long as possible.

With this in mind, we have been promoting the second edition of our campaign with the slogan WEAR YOUR STORY. In the campaign, we talk about fixing and altering clothes. Our goal is to let customers know that by prolonging the life of their clothes – whether by taking proper care of them or by fixing and upcycling them – they can wear their favourite items for longer and never part with the stories they carry within them.
If you want to preserve your clothes for longer, discover the secrets of how to take care of them or how to ensure they become a capsule of your stories, be sure to visit our website.
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